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Gentle yoga with Jade is ideal for anyone who enjoys a gentler, slower pace practice. Gentle yoga is suitable for all ages & levels of proficiency. This class is perfect for beginners, seniors, and pregnant women. It is also safe for students with limited mobility, health aliments, or those recovering from injury. Students are encouraged to move mindfully & listen to their bodies.
The class will begin with time for centering to clear & quiet the mind. We will practice breathing exercises to help increase lung capacity & respiratory function, while bringing energy & vitality to the body. We will follow with a series of warm-up exercises to increase blood circulation, lubricate the joints, & warm the body for our practice. We will then progress with an eclectic series of gentle yoga asanas (postures.) Each pose is designed to release deep body tension, bring balance to the nervous system, stimulate internal organ function, increase flexibility, strengthen & stretch the body. We will conclude the class resting in savasana, a relaxation posture intended to rejuvenate the mind, body, & sprit. Students are guided with clear, concise, easy to follow instructions. Contraindications, proper alignment tips, & modifications are offered for each pose.